books — Blog — The Biz Studio


Business Book Club - the new BBC

Earlier this year, my friend Becky wrote a post about reading business books. Back when I read that post, I had a list of books I was going to read this year was up to about six, which I'd heard from someone was the ideal number. Fast forward seven months and I haven't finished my first book, Content Rules by C.C. Chapman and Ann Handley.


Because I spend so much time reading content and generating content. So, I need to prioritize and I want to do this with other people! A discussion about non-book clubs sparked this idea and I want to have an online and in-person component so people outside the Ottawa area can participate as well.

What I know I want to do:

1) Read one book every two months.
2) Create a linkup for the online component at the end of reading the book.
3) Meet in person with everyone who's interested here in Ottawa every two months.
4) First meeting will be a little over two months from now in January 2012 (to give us a bit of extra time through the holidays).

What I don't know and want your help with:

1) Are you interested?
2) What would you like to read first?
3) Any other ideas for how this can work?

Just to kick start your thinking, here's a few books from my list that I want to read:

Unmarketing, by Scott Stratten

Trust Agents, by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith

Enchantment, by Guy Kawasaki

Socialnomics, by Eric Qualman

Now, tell me if you're in and what's on your reading list!