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Business Book Club: Getting Things Done

If you're not already familiar with The Media Mesh BBC, check out how our book club started here.

The title of this post isn't a reference about me getting things done for the book club. No, it's our next reading assignment and I think it's the perfect follow-up to the simple wisdom of Enchantment as well as a great book to start off a new year. I've read Getting Things Done before, but I'm looking forward to being thoroughly amused again by the references to PDAs and getting a refresher on David Allen's highly effective systems for...well, Getting Things Done (affiliate link).

With a subtitle like "The Art of Stress-Free Productivity", you can't go wrong, can you? This book is older, but it still has a devoted following. David Allen's business is built around these concepts and he's been very successful.

Are you starting a new business or struggling to stay on top of the minutiae of everyday life? Trust me when I say that this book is worth your time. Oddly enough, I randomly chose this book last Tuesday evening during our Twitter chat about Enchantment after discussing it that very day over coffee with Heather, who also shared this link with me from David's blog for the new year and I think it's a great list! (Also, my RSS reader is growing yet again.)

I've already purchased my copy and started reading. I suspect I'll be taking copious notes and making some changes in the way I'm doing things over the next few weeks.

We'll meet back here on February 21st when I'll publish my thoughts on the book along with a linkup for you to have the opportunity to share as well. Then, on Wednesday, February 22nd, we'll have a #MediaMeshBBC chat on Twitter from 8-9 to discuss the book and I'll announce our March reading assignment at that time as well.

What do you hope to get out of reading Getting Things Done?

Please sign up for The Media Mesh BBC email list and I'll send you an update/reminder between now and February 21st.

You're Invited: #MediaMeshBBC Twitter Chat tonight! Talking about #Enchantment

Tonight is the first Business Book Club Twitter chat where we'll be discussing Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki.

Who: Anyone who's read or is interested in reading the book.
When: 8:00-9:00pm
Where: In your favorite Twitter chat client, though I recommend TweetChat for easier refresh and interaction.

I'll talk to you tonight!

Business Book Club: Were you enchanted?

When I saw the book that was randomly chosen for us to begin the Business Book Club, I truly wasn't sure what to expect. Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions has had good reviews from what I've seen and heard for the most part. The subject of influence, which is a huge part of the book, happens to be one I struggle with. I have never viewed myself as an influential person and I've often wondered if it's even possible to change that. It's always seemed so tied to personality when I look at others who I perceive to have influence. It didn't take long for me to realize that - based on Guy Kawasaki's ideas - I was both right and wrong.

What will you find in Enchantment?
A liberal sprinkling of nuggets of wisdom that pretty much anyone can benefit from reading. This book isn't just for those who are running a business. It's for those who are working for the guy who's running the business. It's for anyone who deals with people anywhere any time.

What can you get out of Enchantment?
If you're anything like me, you'll start to think about how you can make modifications to the way you work and deal with people - especially customers (or anyone who relies on you) - in a way that will leave them with that feeling of enchantment. You'll start to think more creatively about little (and big) things you can do that will create a memory that endures and an impression that stands the test of time and distance.

This may sound to you as if it's common sense wrapped in a book jacket. The sheer volume of examples, suggestions, ideas and resources cited gives credence to Enchantment being a must-read for anyone who needs a refresher on influence or a more thorough perspective.

We're living in an age where the relationship component of doing business is changing drastically. Everyday, more customers expect to get individual and timely attention from someone who is able to help them solve a problem. Social media channels have pushed businesses into a new field of marketing and is forcing them to think very differently about how they will reach new and retain existing customers. That alone is reason enough to want to know how to enchant them.

Concrete Ways to Increase Enchantment
The first half of the book is a bit more on the conceptual side, though there is still a lot of specific advice. In the second half of the book, Guy jumps into topics like using push and pull technologies (specifically, social media channels) to increase enchantment, how to be an enchanting boss/worker, and ends with a primer on resisting enchantment. I thought it was an odd note to end on, but the discussion of ethical enchantment is critical. Con artists enchant their victims. People who aren't looking to con others don't want to be perceived as such, so knowing the signs and behaviors to avoid makes sense.

Putting Enchantment Into Action
This was a great read for this time of year as I'm thinking about the goals I want to set for myself in 2012 and the focus I want to maintain. My thinking is shifting to a slightly different angle: How can I accomplish what I want to do and enchant others in the process? That's a question that will be my focus over the next few weeks. It isn't about changing what I want to do; it's about doing it in the best possible way.

One of the best messages in this book is that enchantment doesn't have to be about some huge national campaign or launch. To quote Guy, "'Epic' is not always necessary." (Chapter 5, How to Launch - "Tell a Story") Enchanting others in small ways continuously is more effective than making a big splash and then disappearing. With that in mind as I read the various examples of enchanting interactions and experiences, I found myself wanting to feel enchanted. What company enchants you? What person enchants you? What about them - what they do - makes you feel enchanted? These questions have been rattling in my mind for weeks now. As I finished the book, I became more aware of my experiences each day:

I'm enchanted by my family, by people on my commute, by workers at the grocery store at 7:30am, by my iPhone/iPad. (Yes, I firmly believe that inanimate objects can enchant. Isn't that the purpose behind their creation?) I've committed to be more mindful of these moments, savor them and maybe even take note if I can learn something from them.

Twitter Chat
After we finish each book, I'll be hosting a twitter chat. This month, we'll hold it on January 11, 8-9 using #MediaMeshBBC. I hope everyone will join me next week for more discussion and I'll announce our next book as well.

What did you think of this first BBC book? How did the book inspire you to action?