Speaking — The Biz Studio


From delivering half- and full-day workshops, to speaking to groups, associations, at conferences and more, I provide a presentation that is engaging, informs, and helps people achieve the business—and the life, they truly want.

What I really love to talk about

I love to talk about things I am passionate about, including:

  • Starting and building the business you really want

  • How to set realistic business goals

  • How to make money doing what you love

  • The importance of community in entrepreneurship

Past speaking engagements

Inspire and Connect

16th Small and Solo Law Firms Conference

Collaborative Divorce Ottawa

BConnected Conference

Social Capital Conference

Vars & Area Women's Business Network 

Women Entrepreneurs of Cornwall & Area

Canadian Society of Professional Event Planners (CanSPEP) Annual Conference

Canadian Association of Virtual Assistants (CAVA) Annual Conference


Have a workshop or speaking topic idea? Let's connect and discuss how I can help your audience grow and reach their goals!