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Social Capital Conference - Why you should be there

Social media is an opportunity to build relationships online, but getting together with people who work with social media on a daily basis is an opportunity to learn and make connections that will pump up your efforts in a significant way.

Social Capital is the conference we’ve been running for three years. It brings people together from all industries and levels of experience to share and learn from each other. Here are five reasons we think that you, as small business owners, should be there.

1) The sessions

We have great sessions this year (including Karen and I!) that will help you learn how to improve your social media efforts. We are going to be covering topics such as:

- Email newsletters

- Bringing the life back into your blog

- Not being selfish with your communications

- Case studies from small businesses

- Creating great content

- Canada Anti-Spam Legistlation and copyright

- Social media strategy

2) The chance to ask experts questions in small groups

Our roundtable sessions are always a highlight of the day. You get to take part in small groups with experts on topics you’re interested in and because the groups are so small you get the chance to ask the questions that apply specifically to you, and get advice and input from people in the know, as well as your peers.

3) The amazing keynotes

This year’s keynote speakers are delving into the psychology of social media. Understanding who you’re talking to is key and this year we’ll go a step further into figuring out why we’re doing what we’re doing and how to communicate effecitvely with our audiences.

4) The speakers

They come from all different industries and they really know what they’re talking about. Because of the size of the conference you get the oppotunity to meet them, ask them questions and then connect with them offline later and stay in touch. It’s what I plan to do. :)

5) Meet and hang out with awesome people

Seriously. One of the best parts of every conference for us as organizers is watching everyone at the conference come together, have fun and really connect. It’s amazing to watch and hear the stories of lasting business relationships and friendships that have come from the conference.

So there you have it, five reasons I think you should be at Social Capital this year. And here’s a bonus one: WWC20 will get you 20% off at checkout when you buy your ticket.  

I hope you’ll be there - and make sure to come and find us and say hi when you do!

5 reasons you should be at the Social Capital Conference

We started Social Capital because we wanted somewhere close to home where we could bring the incredible social media community in Ottawa together.  In two years it has grown farther and bigger than I ever could have imagined.

Social Capital is primarily about connecting and learning but I will now summarize 5 reasons you shouldn’t miss this year’s conference!

1) Amazing experts

The folks who join us each year for Social Capital are always amazing.  This year we have so many names that are the experts Karen and I follow to keep up to date on all that is happening in the world of social media. Names like Gini Dietrich, Danny Brown, Susan Murphy, Bob LeDrew, Mark Blevis, Martin Waxman and so many more.

These experts know SO MUCH and we get to spend some time in person with them. 

2) Learn

I’ve been to some great conferences but the one thing I felt like I often was missing were things to come home and action.  We’ve asked all of our speakers to outline the actionables they’ll be sharing during their sessions and we really think you’ll leave the conference with new things to DO when you get back to the office or home.

3) Produce

The workshops are an opportunity to learn and produce.  In 3-hour blocks, experts will be working with groups of 20 people or less on specific topics and actually creating and doing what is being taught.  Topics like podcasting, mobile video, Wordpress, research, storytelling, webinars, and creative social campaigns! I can’t wait to get into some of these topics and the hardest part will be choosing which ones to go to because so many are applicable to me!

4) Ask your questions

The roundtables are one of my favourite parts of the conference because small groups get to chat about the topics that really interest them.  In groups of 5-15 you get to ask all the questions you have about a specific topic, and we’ll have 20 topics you can choose from!

5) Be social

Social Capital was started because of the amazing social media community that exists in Ottawa.  Social media is about being social online, but we actively encourage in-person interactions as well!  The conference is an opportunity to get together with people and build on the relationships started online or build new relationships you maintain online when you get back to your computer.  Social media is about relationship building and doing that in person is one of my favourite parts.

I really hope to see you at the conference.  We’ve got some great ticket promos going on, including a contest and a buy 3 get one free ticket option.  I truly believe almost anyone working with social media can get something from this conference and I hope to see you there!

Social Capital is looking for Speakers and Sponsors!

A little over two years ago, even before we formed Wellman Wilson Consulting, we started a little conference called Social Capital. Ottawa needed a place for social media users to learn here in our hometown. To our surprise and delight, news of the conference spread and we’ve had attendees come in from Montreal, Toronto, even as far away as Alberta. 

If you’re interested in getting involved, here are a few ways to jump in:


We’re in our third year and we’re looking forward to hanging out with everyone who’s planning to attend on Saturday, June 1st! Tickets will be going on sale in March, so it won’t be long now - the year sure is flying by!

Apply to Speak!

Right now, we’re looking for speakers to submit speaking proposals that will fall into one of the four streams for 2013:

  • Commerce
  • Content
  • Multimedia
  • Tools

You can find out more information about the streams on the Social Capital blog.

We’ve even provided some excellent speaker application tips to help prospective speakers prepare their proposal.


We have a multitude of oppotunities for sponsoring businesses/organizations to increase their exposure to our attendees and beyond. 

Email us at to find out more about sponsorship or ask any other questions you might have. The sooner you sign on as a sponsor, the more opportunities for exposure you’ll have!

Will you be attending Social Capital this year?

A special #SMDayOttawa offer - Online Coaching

Happy Social Media Day!

We’d like to invite everyone who is participating today - whether you’re attending, following along or just hearing about it right now - to join us for our brand new online coaching program. It’s a beta release and we’re offering it at a reduced rate! Use the code smdayottawa and get $10 off the $99 beta price for three months of coaching!

Be a part of our brand new coaching group online at a fantastic introductory price -  increase your comfort level using the tools that can help you effectively promote and grow your business! Sign up for three months and receive:

  • Support through a members only Facebook group to ask questions and learn from others.
  • Once a month - One hour group conference call.
  • Weekly tips and suggestions for moving your social presence forward.
  • Monthly emails with suggested readings, exercises and assignments.
  • Encouragement and accountability.
  • A library of tools and resources.
  • Exclusive access to new products first and at a discounted rate.

The first group starts July 1st - Register here today!

Social Capital Conference - the place to be July 21st

Social media is about online presence but it’s also about so much more.  It’s about building community, and creating relationships.

Karen and I believe in the ability to create real world connections from social media.  When the discussion in our home town of Ottawa led to frequent discussions of a local conference that would bring the social media community together to learn from each other I/we went with it.  The result: Social Capital.

Social Capital will be held on Saturday, July 21 at Algonquin College in Ottawa, Canada.

Social Capital Conference

Five reasons to attend Social Capital:

1) You want to meet and grow your relationship with others who also love social media;

2) You want to learn from those who live social media, be it for work, their business, or for fun;

3) You will have the opportunity to engage and ask questions of the people who are doing some of the things you hope to start doing;

4) You will leave Social Capital with tangible to dos that will help you move your social media endeavours forward;

5) You will get to socialize and hang out with an awesome group of people, including Karen and I :)

We really believe you’d get a lot out of attending this event so we’ve decide to add a bonus to signing up! Karen and I are launching a beta program this July. It is an online coaching group and the beta program runs for 3 months.  The beta of this program costs $99.  

If you sign up for Social Capital and let us know (by email at, that you heard about it here you will:

A) be entered into a draw for a free spot into the program, and

B) automatically gain eligibility for the BETA program at our invite-only subscriber rate!

We hope to see you at Social Capital on July 21. Karen and I will be speaking about social media strategy at the conference and you can find the rest of the agenda here!