5 reasons you should be at the Social Capital Conference — The Biz Studio

5 reasons you should be at the Social Capital Conference

We started Social Capital because we wanted somewhere close to home where we could bring the incredible social media community in Ottawa together.  In two years it has grown farther and bigger than I ever could have imagined.

Social Capital is primarily about connecting and learning but I will now summarize 5 reasons you shouldn’t miss this year’s conference!

1) Amazing experts

The folks who join us each year for Social Capital are always amazing.  This year we have so many names that are the experts Karen and I follow to keep up to date on all that is happening in the world of social media. Names like Gini Dietrich, Danny Brown, Susan Murphy, Bob LeDrew, Mark Blevis, Martin Waxman and so many more.

These experts know SO MUCH and we get to spend some time in person with them. 

2) Learn

I’ve been to some great conferences but the one thing I felt like I often was missing were things to come home and action.  We’ve asked all of our speakers to outline the actionables they’ll be sharing during their sessions and we really think you’ll leave the conference with new things to DO when you get back to the office or home.

3) Produce

The workshops are an opportunity to learn and produce.  In 3-hour blocks, experts will be working with groups of 20 people or less on specific topics and actually creating and doing what is being taught.  Topics like podcasting, mobile video, Wordpress, research, storytelling, webinars, and creative social campaigns! I can’t wait to get into some of these topics and the hardest part will be choosing which ones to go to because so many are applicable to me!

4) Ask your questions

The roundtables are one of my favourite parts of the conference because small groups get to chat about the topics that really interest them.  In groups of 5-15 you get to ask all the questions you have about a specific topic, and we’ll have 20 topics you can choose from!

5) Be social

Social Capital was started because of the amazing social media community that exists in Ottawa.  Social media is about being social online, but we actively encourage in-person interactions as well!  The conference is an opportunity to get together with people and build on the relationships started online or build new relationships you maintain online when you get back to your computer.  Social media is about relationship building and doing that in person is one of my favourite parts.

I really hope to see you at the conference.  We’ve got some great ticket promos going on, including a contest and a buy 3 get one free ticket option.  I truly believe almost anyone working with social media can get something from this conference and I hope to see you there!