Facebook Widget — Blog — The Biz Studio

Facebook Widget

Tutorial: Creating a Facebook widget for your Web site/Blog

Having a Facebook page is a great way to stay engaged and connected to your audience - whether for your business or for your blog.  Having your content filter through their news feed increases the chances that they will remember to visit your site and that you will stay top of mind.

There are many ways to get people to like your Facebook page but my biggest and simplest piece of advice is that you need to make it EASY for them to do it.  Taking out barriers makes people far more likely to do things.

Today I’m going to walk you through the steps for installing a widget on your blog or web site. (This tutorial assumes you already have a Facebook page.)

1. Go to your Facebook page and select Edit Page in the top right corner.

2 Select Resources from the left hand menu

3 Select “Use Social plugins” -> scroll down until you see the “like box” option

4. Choose your preferences.  

1) Insert the page URL you’re building the widget for

2) Choose how wide you want the widget to be

3) Decide what features you want included. You can have a sample of the stream but in this case I turned it off because it was too narrow and didn’t look great. There is a preview to the right, decide what you think looks best as you play around with it.

4) Click on “get code”


5: Get code. 

Depending on your site you have three different options for the kind of code you can grab to put onto your site. For my wordpress blog <iframe> is what was required.

6. Post to your web site.

Because there is no one way to do this, depending on what kind of site you have, I will leave this step to you.  This is how the Kids in the Capital widget look when done. Now people can like the page without even leaving the blog!

I hope this was helpful - please let me know if you have any questions!