Sixty Second Social: Broadcasting vs. Engagement — The Biz Studio

Sixty Second Social: Broadcasting vs. Engagement

We’ve all seen the social media users that do nothing but tweet out links, quotes or statements. You look at their profile and there’s rarely any interaction with their followers.

Traditional media is about broadcasting. New media, social media (whatever you want to call it) is about an ongoing dialogue:

Scroll through the tweets in your timeline and find nuggets to retweet or respond to - it only takes a few minutes. Don’t forget to reply to those who mention you. It doesn’t have to be every single mention, but it should be as many as possible.

Facebook / Google+
Scroll through your stream and comment on the posts that interest you. Share them with your followers if appropriate.

Leave meaningful comments on other blog posts. You don’t have to agree with the person’s thoughts, but commenting lets others know that you’re out there - and there’s no better way to promote your own work.

Engagement isn’t quick or convenient, but it’s absolutely worth your time.

What do you think of users who exclusively broadcast content rather than engaging followers? Do you think a “broadcaster’s”content is valued as much as content from someone who actively engages their followers?

Image: digitalart /