Will this help? A Summer Accountability Program — The Biz Studio

Will this help? A Summer Accountability Program

If you’re anything like me (and so many of the people in my audience are a lot like me!) there are many things that you find difficult to get done.

I’m easily distracted. I don’t respect my own deadlines. I get frustrated with myself regularly and then beat myself up for not being “better” at business.

Over the years (I’m almost 13 years in as a business owner!) I’ve learned a few “hacks.”

1) Get support

Seriously - instead of beating yourself up for needing support to get things done, be excited you figured out that support helps you get things done.

Things work really well for me in this regard. My assistant and being in programs where people expect me to show up and give them updates on what I am working on help me start and finish things.

2) Pay for it

I wish that it didn’t make sure a big difference, but when I pay for something then I am more committed to it. I know this is true for other people because the people who pay to do things that I’ve previously done for free get more results - there’s just a different level of internal commitment from people when they’ve paid to get value out of something (even if the value would have been the same for free).

Summer Accountability Program

So, I’ve created something that would work for me and that I know works for my current clients.

  • Eight accountability sessions over three months.

  • A full-day planning day in September to get ready for the final quarter of 2020.

  • A weekly email from me asking you how things are going and asking you to reflect on the week.

The price is low - $297 including tax (for the whole summer, not per month).

I hope you’ll join me. I’m going to be working on my new opt-in, on creating content and videos. What will you work on? Come join me and let me know - the first session in on Monday, July 6th from 1-3:30pm EDT.

What’s included:

Accountability Sessions:

July 6th from 1- 3:30 pm EDT
July 15th from 9 -11:30 am EDT
July 20th from 1-3:30 pm EDT
August 5th from 9-11:30 am EDT
August 10th from 1-3:30 pm EDT
August 24th from 1-3:30 pm EDT
September 9th from 9-11:30 am EDT
September 28th from 1-3:30 pm EDT

A Planning Day on September 18th from 10 am - 4 pm EDT.

Weekly Check-In Emails: You will receive an email every Friday from me asking how the week went and send Lara an update on how you've been doing and what you've been accomplishing.

Cost: $297 CDN

Sign up now! :)