Tips for making your blog posts shareable — The Biz Studio

Tips for making your blog posts shareable

I wrote a blog post awhile back called the anatomy of a blog post where I outlined what I believe the layout of your blog post should be for ease of reading online. In short: Keep your posts brief and scannable.

Here are a few tips on things you can do to make your blog posts as easy to share as possible:

1) Enable social sharing  

There are many plugins (AddThis, ShareThis, and Shareaholic to name a few)

I’m a big fan of the layout that allows people to share to the most common networks with one click. 


2) Use a photo or video in every post  

This makes the posts more visual on Facebook, Google + and especially on Pinterest.  People won’t share a post on Pinterest if there is no image or video to accompany it. 

What entices you to share a post?