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Brands had a big win on Twitter when the lights went out at the Superbowl

I don’t watch football. The only reason I paid any attention to the fact that it was Superbowl Sunday was because I love the commercials so I was online watching for those. After the halftime show with Beyonce, the power went out in the Superdome. The power was out for about 30 minutes and during that time Twitter was bursting with hilarious one liners. Twitter was the perfect distraction for many from the stalling commentators on TV.

These 3 words got 2000 RTs during the Superbowl blackout

There is huge opportunity in responding in real time and during those 30 minutes brands got in on the action with some memorable and fun tweets.


Downton Abbey vs Superbowl?House of Cards (a show on Netflix) had a Twitter contest!


Walgreens has candles AND lights!

Need a generator - Lowe’s can help!Just fun (these are my favourite of the night)

Retweeted over 12,000 times in one hourMy hat goes off to some great social media folks tonight - I didn’t even want to track down any more of the real ads after the fun I had on Twitter!