how to use twitter — Blog — The Biz Studio

how to use twitter

Twitter: the best networking event around

There are a lot of analogies we use when trying to help people understand social tools.  One of our all-time favourites for Twitter is that you need to think of it as networking. So, let’s compare - in-person networking versus Twitter.

In-person networking events

  • You meet new people, introduce yourself, and chit chat.
  • People you’ve met in the past introduce you to new people they think you would benefit from knowing.
  • People who know you sing your praises in a manor that is far more effective than if you did it yourself.
  • When you see someone you’ve met at a previous event, you reinforce the relationship by chatting with them again.
  • You don’t start any conversations with calls to actions or by putting news releases or shouting discounts and sales at people.


See above list, but with a few advantages, including (but not limited to):

  • A smaller time commitment,
  • No travel time OR gas costs,
  • Log in when it is convenient for your schedule,
  • Tweet in line at the grocery store, in your PJs, from the cottage or anywhere else the mood strikes.


If you think of Twitter and the interactions you have on Twitter as similar to those you have at a networking event, you will start to build and grow relationships that can turn into beneficial partnerships and sales.  If you think of Twitter as place to broadcast sales, you may get some pickup, but the true “magic” of twitter may be escaping you.

If you aren’t sure where to start, start with 10-minutes a day. If you go to an in-person networking event, connect with people you met who have Twitter accounts and say hi.  You just reinforced that initial meeting and opened the door to many new conversations without having to wait for the next event you both happen to be at. Don’t think you need to divulge all your personal information, it’s more about being personable. And please say hi to us: @larawellman, @Karen_C_Wilson and @WellmanWilson!

Have you had any great networking experiences on Twitter?

Broadcasting guidelines for Twitter

I’ve come up with a lot of guidelines that I like to share with people during workshops and coaching sessions. These are guidelines based on my experiences and not RULES. Most of my guidelines have wiggle room. If you have a different perspective, I would love to discuss what that might be in the comments.

Today I’m going to talk about one of the guidelines I talk about a lot about how much of “what” to say on Twitter.

Talking on Twitter

Twitter, of all the online spaces (Linked In, Google+, Facebook, etc) is a space that is the most like real-life interactions. Over and over when I talk about Twitter I compare it to a networking event:

  • You wouldn’t walk up to someone at a networking event you have never met before or said hi to and exclaim, “2 for 1 haircuts at my salon next week!” That would be rude, uncomfortable and ineffective.
  • You don’t talk only business at a networking event, you exchange pleasantries about the weather, recent sports events and other lighter subjects. It isn’t personal…it’s personable.

Twitter is the same.  If you don’t think of it that way you won’t capitalize on the full potential of the tool.

Rule of thirds

My general recommendation to people is that no more than a third of what you say on twitter should you be broadcasting/promoting yourself.  You can definitely send out the sales pitch type tweets, but keep them to one third of your tweets or less.

What do you say the rest of the time?

Use the other two thirds to retweet what others are saying (there is a lot of great information out there), and comment and reply to what others are saying.  Engage and share other people’s information so that you are providing useful content to others and building relationships.

Just remember to keep your audience in mind - what do you think they would want to hear about? By being helpful in a way that isn’t always promoting yourself you will build fabulous relationships on twitter!