challenge — Blog — The Biz Studio


Are you visible online?

Do people know who are you? What you're selling in your business? Who you work with? Why they should buy from you? 


Getting visible online is something a lot of business owners really struggle with, but it's also one of the very best ways to be seen. To be known. To get more clients. To make more money.

When you're visible you can share your experience, your expertise, and give your audience the opportunity to get to know you. This is how you build relationships. You're creating the "know, like and trust" factor, which is how many people choose what to buy and who to buy it from.

Here's the good news. You don’t need to be a social media expert to make social media work for your business - you just need to be visible on it!

The bad news? Visibility is often something business owners have a really hard time with.
You may find yourself shying away from posting online too much or not wanting to share too many photos, personal stories or selfies. 

So, how can you get comfortable and start taking action so that people can see you, your business, and all of the value you have to offer? Be visible. And if that feels hard, get more comfortable with being visible in a safe space designed just for that - my visibility challenge.

I want to support business owners as they talk about their mindset. I want them to be more comfortable posting in a variety of places online, dabble with video and even start thinking about getting media attention.

Let's get you in front of more people so more people have the opportunity to start working with you!

Are you ready to attract your ideal clients? Together let's get more active in the online space, share relevant content, and build relationships with the people in your networks. That is how you stay top of mind, which is what visibility is all about. 

So, sign up for my visibility challenge.  It takes about 5-20 minutes per day (some days less!) over 14 days. We'll start getting comfortable, setting up good visibility tactics and building relationships with each other at the same time.

Let's get visible together! See you over there!

7 tips for 2014 from small business owners

In the last couple of weeks of 2013 we had a lot of fun on our Facebook page by asking fellow small business owners to share some tips for 2014 with all of us.  They were really great and we want to recap them all in one place for you here now.  Make sure to check out all of their great insights (the videos are all in the 1-2 minute length range) and then head over and check out the websites and Facebook pages for these businesses - they are all great resources!

Shawn MacDonell

We started off Shawn MacDonell who is fun and great at getting people to think differently and creatively about everything that they do.  In this video Shawn talks about how to dress for success and the message he shares applies to so many parts of life as a business owner - be your authentic self.

Marisa Goudy

Marisa is one half of the Online Empowerment Formula.  They help you create a web site that works for your business.  In this video Marisa talks about how important it is to make what you do clear on your web site.  Watch the video and then share YOUR USP with us.

Lara Galloway

Lara Galloway is another part of an amazing duo!  MomBiz is an incredible resource for business owners who are moms.  Running a business while being a mother is a very different thing than running a business is for other demographics.  In this video Lara goes over 5 simple things to keep in mind when starting out the new year.

Amanda DeGrace

Amanda runs a business called Little Lotus Yoga and runs yoga classes for kids.  She started outsourcing in 2013 and shares how valuable she found that to be.  If you’re in the Ottawa area and have young kid, check out some of the programs she offers!

Lara Wellman

I did a short video issuing a challenge.  I think a lot of people avoid certain new tasks and tools because it feels harder than it actually is.  So I challenge people to just write something - they don’t even need to share it! Once the first blog post or newsletter is written, or the first video is recorded, it gets a lot easier to keep going!

Shelagh Cummins

Shelagh is the second half of MomBiz and offers a great tip on clarity.  It’s one we all need to think about a bit more clear not only with our audience but with ourselves.  


Elaine Morgan

Elaine owns and gives us some good tips on taking care of the books in 2014.  Starting the year off right and tracking how you’re doing over the year is so important and something that is so easy to let slip.


We hope you enjoyed the videos we shared - please let us know in the comments if this is the kind of thing you’d like to see again in the future.  And again, please go and check out all of these great businesses and support them!  Happy 2014!