How to link your Facebook business page to your personal Facebook profile — The Biz Studio

How to link your Facebook business page to your personal Facebook profile

I’m in a lot of groups on Facebook and they are a great way to network, meet new people, and find potential clients or service providers. I often don’t want to become friends with someone that I see in a Facebook group, but based on something they’ve said I’m interested in what they do for a living and want to find out more. So I click on their name, then click on about and whatever the link to where they work, only to find this:

Is your Facebook page linked to your personal account?

That suitcase is what is created when you just type in where you work into Facebook and is what you’ll find many people have in their about section. It doesn’t link to a business page and I’ve often wondered what the point of those suitcase pages are at all.

If you have a business, or are using social media to network, you need to make sure that you link an actual Facebook page into your about section. This will help people find you, connect with you, and allow you to build relationships with them.

How do you link a Facebook page to your account?

Setting it up so that your about section links to your Facebook page is quite simple if you know where to go or that you should be doing that in the first place.

1) Go to your personal profile and click on the pencil to the right of the About section in the left hand sidebar and select update info.


2) Start typing the name of the Facebook page you want to link to and select it.

3) Fill out all the pertinent information and click “add job.”


That’s it! You’ve now added a link to your Facebook page from the about section of your personal Facebook profile (and I’ve added an older job to mine) and if someone wants to find your place of work without adding you as a friend, they can now do that.  

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