Buzz, Brilliance and Blogging: Week ending June 30 — The Biz Studio

Buzz, Brilliance and Blogging: Week ending June 30

Every week I compile a list of the noteworthy social media news (Buzz), balanced with valuable commentary (Brilliance) and some good advice about Blogging as well. The links that follow are to sites and blogs that I read on a regular basis - consider them recommended reading for you too. Or you can just come back here each week for a taste of what stuck out to me.

This week is Canada Day, so I’m going to keep this as short as possible for all of you who want to get out and celebrate Canada’s birthday! But first, did you hear Lara’s interview on CBC Radio? She did a great job!



How would you like to have all of your status update/social media history imported into one place? Google+ seems to think this is a good idea. I do not. To each his own, but if you’re looking to do that, remember how search engine friendly Google+ is. Do you want your history that accessible? Would you have time to cleanse it? I know I don’t have that kind of time - not with 36K Tweets and who knows how many Facebook posts. I like my social media in silos.

Twitter is making some back-end changes and they’ve cut off the firehose of tweets that streams from LinkedIn over to Twitter. It’s about time!!! Do you see me doing mental cartwheels at this news? That people are upset over the changes to the API is somewhat understandble. The upset over tweets not showing up in LinkedIn is not: Automatic cross-posting is never a good plan.

Facebook lost a lawsuit that will have a direct impact on how it handles sponsored stories and give users far more control over their content being used by others. And since we’re talking privacy again, this article has some great advice for Facebook users, including an admonition for privacy purists to reconsider joining. 

There was an uproar about an app released by Facebook last week that allowed users to see and friend those nearby. They pulled it almost immediately, though not quickly enough to prevent the spread of the news and commentary.

If you missed the other Facebook drama this week, you should definitely check out our post from Thursday to find out how to hide your email address.


Every now and then I want to write a truly thought-provoking piece discussing a topic I feel strongly about and then I remember how much time it takes and how little payoff there is (then I do it anyway). So, this commentary about critical thinking resonated with me. Despite that, I think there is a place for pieces that break things down simply. That is, after all, our tagline. There’s room and a need for both. I don’t think critical thinking is going extinct.

Some fascinating points are made in this piece regarding audience engagement and reaction to information shared. It should make you think about what you’re doing as a business and in your use of social media.


This infographic is an interesting structure of the “perfect blog post”.

Do you think it is as good as it proclaims?


Happy Canada Day! To celebrate, we’re offering a special deal!

We’d like to invite you to join us for our brand new online coaching program. It’s a beta release and we’re offering it at a reduced rate! Use the code canadaday and get $10 off the $99 beta price for three months of coaching!

Be a part of our brand new coaching group online at a fantastic introductory price -  increase your comfort level using the tools that can help you effectively promote and grow your business! Sign up for three months and receive:

  • Support through a members only Facebook group to ask questions and learn from others.
  • Once a month - One hour group conference call.
  • Weekly tips and suggestions for moving your social presence forward.
  • Monthly emails with suggested readings, exercises and assignments.
  • Encouragement and accountability.
  • A library of tools and resources.
  • Exclusive access to new products first and at a discounted rate.

The first group starts July 1st - Register here today!