Buzz, Brilliance and Blogging: Week ending June 23 — The Biz Studio

Buzz, Brilliance and Blogging: Week ending June 23

Every week I compile a list of the noteworthy social media news (Buzz), balanced with valuable commentary (Brilliance) and some good advice about Blogging as well. The links that follow are to sites and blogs that I read on a regular basis - consider them recommended reading for you too. Or you can just come back here each week for a taste of what stuck out to me.



Facebook started rolling out editable comments this week. But be careful: Edited comments will be marked as such and previous versions will be viewable. Other changes that have come out this week include the option to opt-out of notifications in the drop-down menu - a handy, quick way to customize your Facebook experience. In a move toward more stalkerish data delivery, Facebook is going to tell you how many of your friends have logged in recently and the last time you posted. I like the new hovercards that started showing up this week. They include your cover photo and avatar, as well as a bit of info about you. 

Facebook’s editable comments have sparked debate about the need for similar functionality on Twitter. I think the two are different networks - let’s leave Twitter alone. Mistakes happen. We don’t have to revise everything to perfection. If you’re on Twitter and want to read the feed of a verified account, you can now filter all of the @replies out. This would be a useful update for them to roll out globally. 

You might have been a bit frustrated Thursday with Twitter being down. I know I was since I needed to access some information for a client. They have offered a pretty comprehensive explanation here

It’s always confused me that I couldn’t post to Google+ anywhere but on the page with my feed. Now that I’m used to that, they’ve changed it so that you can post from your profile - kinda like that other big social network.

How much do you care about your Klout? If last October’s change to the algorithm bothered you, please brace yourself for another change. Or, perhaps, change your perspective on the importance of Klout.


Read this and think about what’s currently driving your content strategy. Do you need to make adjustments?

There are no less than a bazillion posts outlining pet peeves or don’ts in social media, but they crop up because people still do these things. I happen to agree with this list. 

Looking for a solid list of reasons for entering content marketing? BloggingPro has you covered.


Blogging for business is incredibly valuable - especially if you know how to blog competitively

Do you struggle with knowing what to write about or finding resources to feed you inspiration? There’s no end to the sources, but you should set yourself up so they come to you regularly.

One of the most oft-debated topics in blogging is comment management. Gini Dietrich started the discussion this week with comparisons of her own style with several others. One of those who came up in her post was Mitch Joel and he decided to weigh in with his thoughts on blog comments.

What is your preferred method of blog comment management?