Buzz and Brilliance week ending April 6 — The Biz Studio

Buzz and Brilliance week ending April 6

Over the week we go through a lot of content - news and blog posts, how tos and conceptual posts on the state of the internet.  Every Sunday we share some of our favourites with you.

Check out the links and let us know in the comments if you have any questions or if you read any great posts this week!


Instagram is one of the tools we don’t often spend a lot of time thinking about but more and more it’s proving to be an effective tool, especially for a young audience. Nearly 60% of big brands are using Instagram (PR Daily) and 15 Stats Brands Should Know About Instagram (Digiday) give some really interesting numbers to back up the need to at least consider the tool.

Have you ever been asked to Like or follow a new account specifically for an event?  Here’s a great post that outlines why that is rarely a good strategy.  Avoid creating  dedicated special events social media accounts. (Communicate & How)

Just this past week I was asked again if you could tag people in LinkedIn updates.  You will be able to soon, as LinkedIn rolls out Facebook-style mentions. (The Next Web)

We have more than a couple of social media pet peeves. This article outlines one we haven’t previously mentioned: stand alone social icons. We see them in print publications, posters and on products but a Facebook icon is not enough to help a customer find your account or give them a reason they should bother. (Social Fresh)

 Facebook advertising can add real value, but how do you measure and how do you target goals for the ads?  Facebook has updated their ads manager to make it easier to analyze if you’re meeting your goals and what the ROI on the ad is. (The Next Web)

Social Capital

Social Capital is quickly approaching (it’s May 31 and June 1).  This week a tweetup was announced for April 18 (we hope to see you there!) and the first wave of speakers for the workshop day were announced.  We’re also hosting a Twitter chat on Thursday April 11 from 2-3 pm using hashtag #socapott. Put it in your calendar and come and join us!

The Media Mesh

Facebook introduces replies for comments

5 arguments for organizations to stop blocking social media sites